Tingley City Council Meeting

October 2019

The Town of Tingley held their Regular monthly meeting at the Tingley Community Building on Monday October 7, 2019 at 7pm. Larry Jarred called the meeting to order at 7pm. Present: Julie Ackley, Sherry Briner, Bob Johnson, Amelia Quick, and Donetta Phelps.

Agenda: Ackley/Phelps motioned to approve the Agenda. Motion carried.

Consent Agenda: Quick/Johnson motioned to approve the Consent Agenda with the addendum that the Financial Statement will be presented at the November meeting due to the new clerk getting everything in order. Clerk let the council know she is working on changing the way the financial statement is done. Motion carried.

Public Forum: Discussion on moving a double wide in at 200 N Main. The council informed the homeowners of the requirements according to city ordinances.

Cemetery: Cows have been out. Council asked the clerk to call property owners to get the fence fixed.

Roads: Monroe and Main have a light out.

Old business: Johnson reported the memorial park is progressing. Clerk presented donation forms to council member for Memorial Park monies. Council asked Clerk to get ahold of attorney and see how the purchase agreement was coming along. Briner/Ackley motioned to approve Resolution 20190107 for WRD Landfill commission. Tree on Adams street needs taken care of. Jarred and James Novak said they would work on it. Quick reported she took care of the hornet’s nest at the park. Clerk is to contact Greg Cannon and have the porta potty picked up after the Halloween festivities. Clerk asked the council to reimburse her for ink for her printer since the city printer isn’t working.

Quick/Ackley motioned to adjourn. Roll call. Motion Carried. Adjournment at 8:10 pm

Kristina Nail-City Clerk