Tingley City Council Meeting

January 2019

The Tingley City Council met on Monday January 7, 2019 at the Tingley Community Building. Mayor Larry Jarred called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Members present were Sherry Briner, Bob Johnson, Julie Ackley, Donetta Phelps and clerk Tony Mercer. Members absent were Amelia Quick. Also present Cheryl Roach, James Novak, and Felicia Novak.

Motion to approve the agenda made by Donetta Phelps, seconded by Bob Johnson; motion carried.
Motion to approve the minutes made by Julie Ackley, seconded by Sherry Briner; motion carried.
Motion to approve bills made by Julie Ackley, seconded by Sherry Briner; motion carried.
Motion to approve Treasurer’s report by Bob Johnson, seconded by Julie Ackley; motion carried.

Public Forum - No one spoke.

Committee - Julie Ackley reported a street light out on Washington St.
Old Business - Trees have been cleared at the new park. Committees will be meeting soon. Council discussed McFarland money and grants for the park.

Council discussed possibility of purchasing our own fuel barrels so we could shop for fuel. MFA Oil owns the current barrels.
New Business - Council discussed preliminary budget ideas. Discussion followed on road rock and ditching projects for the roads budget. Further budget talks will be held next month.

Insurance - Council would like to discuss current insurance with Tyler Insurance rather than seeking bids.

Cemetery - Council will accept bids for mowing the cemetery for 2019. Approval of bids will take place at the March meeting.
Ringgold County Public Health has received a grant for changing stations for restrooms. Council agreed to install one in the Community Building.

Tony Mercer reported that a new version of Microsoft Office was needed for the town computer at a cost of $129.99. Sherry Briner made a motion to purchase the current version of Microsoft Office. Bob Johnson seconded. Motion carried.

Adjournment – Bob Johnson made a motion to adjourn. Julie Ackley seconded. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned 7:44 PM.

Tony Mercer
