Tingley City Council Meeting

July 2019

The Tingley City Council met on Monday July 1, 2019 at the Tingley Community Building. Mayor Larry Jarred called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Members present were Amelia Quick, Julie Ackley, Bob Johnson, Sherry Briner, Donetta Phelps, and clerk Tony Mercer (arrive 7:35). Also present were Cathy Mason, Sue Richards, Priscill Alvik, Tiffany Trummer, Sam Trummer, Lisa Pyland, James Novak and Felicia Novak.

Motion to approve the agenda made by Quick, seconded by Ackley; motion carried.
Motion to approve the minutes made by Ackley, seconded by Briner; motion carried.
Motion to approve bills made by Quick, seconded by Ackley; motion carried.
Motion to approve Treasurer’s report by Briner seconded by Johnson; motion carried.

Public Forum - Cathy Mason asked about the burn pile as it smolders for several days after it is lit. Priscill again asked the council about a drainage issue at 411 E Main St. The council will send a letter asking that the drain spout be extended to the ground. Sue Richards inquired about the electric bill at the Community Building; also discussed the need for a checklist for anyone renting out the building. Ditching/culvert needed between Briner & Cline properties; Hightshoe tube is clogged and needs replaced. Sue also mentioned the fence permit for 401 W Main St.

Committee - Johnson reported that Priscill & Derric Jones had painted the front of the Community Building. Jarred reported on attending a 911 meeting and radios for the Fire Dept. Quick spoke with Hainline and Smith about fixing the breaker for siren.

Old Business - Animal Ordinances need to be edited, not completely rewritten. Livestock would need written permission, as current ordinance requires. Zoning for agriculture properties on the edges of the city. Limits on animals not zoned for agriculture. Council wants to support 4H projects.

New Business - Johnson received a $3000 grant from SCICF for the park. Will meet with Tessa Still for design plans. Munyon donated pergola. John Allen will work on the sign. SIRWA bill will be high for water used for new seeding.

(clerk Tony Mercer arrived at 7:35)

Clark Property - The council opened a public hearing for the sale of the city property to Rio & Sheryl Doolittle. No pubic comments were made and no written comments were received. Phelps made a motion to approve the sale of property to Rio & Sheryl Doolittle for the sum of $5827. Quick seconded. Roll call vote: Phelps-yes, Johnson-yes, Quick-yes, Briner-yes, Ackley-yes. Motion passed. Resolution #201903

Connections sent the council a new contract for the meal site at the Community Building since they were now offering meal delivery for Wednesday & Thursday in addition to their regular meal site days. The new agreement would pay $100 per month versus the current $60 per month. The council wanted clarification on some of the terms before it was approved and did not act on the request.

Sue Richards complemented how nice the cemetery looked.

Mercer reported that he had accepted 3 additional grants written by the council from SCICF totaling $4700 for the city for new banners, repairs to the gazebo, and new basketball hoops.

Lisa Pyland arrived later in the meeting to ask if she needed a permit to bury electrical lines. The council didn’t think this would qualify as a structure to require a permit.

Adjournment – Ackley made a motion to adjourn. Quick seconded. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned 8:13 PM.

Tony Mercer